Workshops and events

Guided walks

Please note: Guided walks are currently suspended due to ongoing felling operations. It is hoped that the art trail will be reinstated in Spring 2017.
Linda takes groups for guided walks around the Art walk in Salcey Forest. She also occasionally takes groups on nightwalks where the sculptures take on a new aspect as they eerily appear in the torchlight (and when we're really lucky, moonlight). For details of the next guided walk, contact Linda.


(Please note, dates for the drawing workshops are not yet available, contact Linda to register your interest)

Web weaving - 23rd October 2016
Contact Linda to register for this workshop in the lovely setting of Rookery Farm Studios, Church Street, Silverstone NX12 8XA.
Create your own wire spider webs woven into natural branches to make a unique sculptural object which you can take home. £25 per person, all tools and materials provided. No previous art experience needed. See images of the last workshop.

Wire spheres - 6th November 2016
Contact Linda to register for this workshop in the lovely setting of Rookery Farm Studios, Church Street, Silverstone NX12 8XA.
Create unique multi-coloured wire spheres for home or garden. £30 per person, all tools and materials provided. Please note: Participants need to have attended a web weaving workshop first.

Introduction to line drawing (dates not yet available)
Using traditional drawing materials together with natural found materials, you will develop a series of sketchbook drawings inspired by nature and Linda's sculptures. Suitable for beginners. £25 per person, all tools and materials provided). No previous art experience needed.

Drawing workshopWeb weaving workshopWire sphere


Linda Johns: art practice
A talk by Linda Johns about her art practice and how her work is influenced by science (particularly physics/quantum physics) and mythology. See this talk online.

Current and forthcoming exhibitions

Inspired by Nature
A collaborative exhibition hosted by the Forestry Commission and Royal Society of Sculptors at Grizedale Sculpture Forest.

Hay Festival
Two new sculptures at the Lion Street Gallery, Hay-on-Wye

Gyosei Art Trail
Permanent sculpture trail. Arachne weaves is along the boardwalk between the canal and Willen Park, Milton Keynes.

Art in Salcey Forest
Ongoing exhibition of sculptures in this beautiful woodland - see map and guide for details.

Contact Linda